Early & After Care

The Early/After Care Program is an extended care program for children enrolled in Brush Creek. Its hours are Monday through Friday 7:30-9 a.m. and Monday through Friday 12-4:30 p.m. Sign-up can be done on a monthly, several months, school year or daily basis depending on available space. You can also sign up via the bulletin board behind the front door as you need it, usually two weeks in advance are posted. Early/After Care contracts are due the 25th of the month before you want care. Children who stay during the afternoon program will need to bring a lunch.  Sheet and blanket is provided by school and laundered here. Snack is provided. Curriculum during these time frames can include a rest time, art activities, outdoor time, walks to nearby locations, singing, movement, story time and much more. The Early-After Program is designed to provide a quality program for children in a caring environment.


Early/After Care charges are $10 per hour.

If your child stays at Brush Creek past 1 p.m. there is a required time block of 1-3 p.m. that is billed whether used or not. Early/After Care is billed in 1/2-hour increments after 3 pm for contract care or 1-hour increments for non-contract care. Contract Early/After Care is paid in advance and guarantees your child specific hours each week.

Non-contract Early/After Care is signed up for as needed and depends on availability.